
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

artwear inspiration

Inspiration.   I get ideas and inspiration from blogs and websites.  Sometimes I spend way too much time in Blog world.  So I am trying to limit myself to a certain amount of time on certain days so that I can actually get something accomplished.

Today, however, I received the newsletters from Diane Erikson and Marcy Tilton.   They co-teach seminars and workshops and have some good ideas.   I was especially inspired by the patterns and screen painting on Marcy's blog.  http://www.marcytilton.com/   She has some beautiful screen printing designs and fabrics for sale.  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the combinations of fabrics and printing she did.  This is definately something I want to try and do this summer.   

God Bless,     Teresa Gayle

Monday, May 23, 2011

graduation quilt

This past Sunday, (yesterday)  we went to the graduation reception of my niece Evianne.  She is the last of my sister's three daughters to graduate.  Time does fly.  I made a quilt from a magazine that I've had for a year at least.  My 11 yr old daughter helped me chose the fabrics.  We were trying to go for a shabby chic style.  The circles were cut and sewn on leaving raw edges so they will fray. 
  On Tuesday evening I attended a prayer shawl ministry meeting and met Robin who also quilts and now has her own long arm machine and has a business quilting and teaching.  Check out her site at http://www.ormondbeachquilts.com/ .   She was able to quilt the top in a rose pattern.  I'm very pleased with how it turned out.  This is the first time I've had someone else quilt the top for me.   I can really only do straight lines and stitching in the  ditch type stuff on my home machine and it's difficult to push a quilt through the machine.  I've tried rubber finger tips and quilt rings and still end up with sore arms and hands.  I know it's difficult to see it really well, but trust me it was beautiful.     Have a great day!!   



here is a picture of some completed diapers. They are made with flannel and have terry cloth soakers in the middle.  When I thing back on the money that diapers cost, I wish I had paid more attention to cloth diapers.  I guess I wanted to be "modern".   Now cloth diapers have changed so much that they are the new "modern" way to save money and the land fill.